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add_char - function in file 07_editor.asm
add character
add_line - function in file 08_executive.asm
main add
auto_list - function in file 08_executive.asm
auto list
alpha - function in file 10_expression.asm
alphanum - function in file 10_expression.asm
add_back - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
add back


bc_1_space - function in file 01_restarts.asm
make one space
bin_digit - function in file 10_expression.asm
binary digit


c_error - function in file 01_restarts.asm
ERROR command
ch_add_plus_1 - function in file 01_restarts.asm
increment CH-ADD
c_circle - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
// stubs for line drawning commands (not supported in text mode)
c_color - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
COLOR command
c_locate - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
LOCATE command
c_palette - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
PALETTE command
c_screen - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
SCREEN command
cl_addr - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
clear address
cl_all - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
clear whole display area
cl_line - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
clear lines
cl_sc_all - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
cl_set - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
clear set
c_call - function in file 07_editor.asm
CALL command
c_edit - function in file 07_editor.asm
EDIT command
clear_sp - function in file 07_editor.asm
clear SP
c_close - function in file 08_executive.asm
CLOSE command
c_delete - function in file 08_executive.asm
DELETE command
c_list - function in file 08_executive.asm
LIST command
c_new - function in file 08_executive.asm
NEW command
c_open - function in file 08_executive.asm
OPEN command
c_trace - function in file 08_executive.asm
TRACE command
c_while - function in file 08_executive.asm
WHILE command
chan_flag - function in file 08_executive.asm
channel flag
chan_k - function in file 08_executive.asm
channel K flag
chan_open - function in file 08_executive.asm
channel open
chan_s - function in file 08_executive.asm
channel S flag
c_beep - function in file 09_command.asm
BEEP command
c_clear - function in file 09_command.asm
CLEAR command
c_cont - function in file 09_command.asm
CONT command
c_data - function in file 09_command.asm
DATA command
c_def - function in file 09_command.asm
DEF command
c_doke - function in file 09_command.asm
DOKE command
c_else - function in file 09_command.asm
ELSE command
c_end - function in file 09_command.asm
END command
c_for - function in file 09_command.asm
FOR command
c_gosub - function in file 09_command.asm
GOSUB command
c_goto - function in file 09_command.asm
GOTO command
c_if - function in file 09_command.asm
IF command
c_input - function in file 09_command.asm
INPUT command
c_key - function in file 09_command.asm
KEY command
c_next - function in file 09_command.asm
NEXT command
c_out - function in file 09_command.asm
OUT command
c_poke - function in file 09_command.asm
POKE command
c_print - function in file 09_command.asm
PRINT command
c_randomize - function in file 09_command.asm
c_read - function in file 09_command.asm
READ command
c_rem - function in file 09_command.asm
REM command
c_renum - function in file 09_command.asm
RENUM command
c_restore - function in file 09_command.asm
RESTORE command
c_return - function in file 09_command.asm
RETURN command
c_run - function in file 09_command.asm
RUN command
c_sound - function in file 09_command.asm
SOUND command
c_stop - function in file 09_command.asm
STOP command
c_wait - function in file 09_command.asm
WAIT command
c_wend - function in file 09_command.asm
WEND command
check_end - function in file 09_command.asm
check end
class_00 - function in file 09_command.asm
command class 00
class_01 - function in file 09_command.asm
command class 01
class_02 - function in file 09_command.asm
command class 02
class_03 - function in file 09_command.asm
command class 03
class_04 - function in file 09_command.asm
command class 04
class_05 - function in file 09_command.asm
command class 05
class_06 - function in file 09_command.asm
command class 06
class_07 - function in file 09_command.asm
command class 07
class_08 - function in file 09_command.asm
command class 08
class_09 - function in file 09_command.asm
command class 09
class_0a - function in file 09_command.asm
command class 0A
class_0b - function in file 09_command.asm
command class 0B
c_dim - function in file 10_expression.asm
DIM command
c_let - function in file 10_expression.asm
LET command
c_on - function in file 10_expression.asm
ON command
ca_10a_plus_c - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
CA = 10 * A + C
calculate - function in file 12_calculator.asm
c_bload - function in file 15_files.asm
BLOAD command
c_bsave - function in file 15_files.asm
BSAVE command
c_chdir - function in file 15_files.asm
CHDIR command
c_copy - function in file 15_files.asm
COPY command
c_files - function in file 15_files.asm
FILES command
c_kill - function in file 15_files.asm
KILL command
c_load - function in file 15_files.asm
LOAD command
c_merge - function in file 15_files.asm
MERGE command
c_mkdir - function in file 15_files.asm
MKDIR command
c_name - function in file 15_files.asm
NAME command
c_old - function in file 15_files.asm
OLD command
c_rmdir - function in file 15_files.asm
RMDIR command
c_save - function in file 15_files.asm
SAVE command
c_seek - function in file 15_files.asm
SEEK command
c_play - function in file 16_audio.asm
PLAY command


differ - function in file 08_executive.asm
de_plus_1_to_de - function in file 10_expression.asm
DE, (DE + 1)
dec_to_fp - function in file 10_expression.asm
decimal to floating point


eq - variable in file
X80 parameter: equal
error_2 - function in file 01_restarts.asm
ed_backspace - function in file 07_editor.asm
backspace editing
ed_clr - function in file 07_editor.asm
clr editing
ed_copy - function in file 07_editor.asm
lower screen copying
ed_down - function in file 07_editor.asm
cursor down editing
ed_edge - function in file 07_editor.asm
edge editing
ed_end - function in file 07_editor.asm
end editing
ed_enter - function in file 07_editor.asm
enter editing
ed_error - function in file 07_editor.asm
error editing
ed_help - function in file 07_editor.asm
help editing
ed_home - function in file 07_editor.asm
home editing
ed_ins - function in file 07_editor.asm
insert editing
ed_keys_t - function in file 07_editor.asm
editing keys table
ed_left - function in file 07_editor.asm
cursor left editing
ed_pg_dn - function in file 07_editor.asm
page down editing
ed_pg_up - function in file 07_editor.asm
page up editing
ed_right - function in file 07_editor.asm
cursor right editing
ed_symbol - function in file 07_editor.asm
symbol editing
ed_tab - function in file 07_editor.asm
tab editing
ed_up - function in file 07_editor.asm
cursor up editing
editor - function in file 07_editor.asm
line editor
e_line_no - function in file 08_executive.asm
E line number
each_stmt - function in file 08_executive.asm
find each statement
expt_1num - function in file 09_command.asm
expect one number
expt_2num - function in file 09_command.asm
expect two numbers
expt_exp - function in file 09_command.asm
expect string expression


fabs - macro in file
X80 op-code: absolute value
facos - macro in file
X80 op-code: arc-cosine
fadd - macro in file
X80 op-code: add
fasc - macro in file
X80 op-code: character to ASCII
fasin - macro in file
X80 op-code: arcsine
fatan - macro in file
X80 op-code: arctangent
fband - macro in file
X80 op-code: binary AND
fbands - macro in file
X80 op-code: binary and string
fbor - macro in file
X80 op-code: binary OR
fcat - macro in file
X80 op-code: concatenate string
fce - macro in file
X80 op-code: CPU enable
fchrs - macro in file
X80 op-code: character
fcos - macro in file
X80 op-code: cosine
fcp - macro in file
X80 op-code: compare
fcps - macro in file
X80 op-code: compare string
fdeek - macro in file
X80 op-code: DEEK
fdel - macro in file
X80 op-code: delete
fdiv - macro in file
X80 op-code: divide
fdjnz - macro in file
X80 op-code: decrement and jump if not zero
fexp - macro in file
X80 op-code: exponential
fget - macro in file
X80 op-code: get
fgt - macro in file
X80 op-code: get (mem 0 to 5)
fgtz - macro in file
X80 op-code: greater than zero
finp - macro in file
X80 op-code: IN
fint - macro in file
X80 op-code: integer (rounded down)
fjp - macro in file
X80 op-code: jump
fjpt - macro in file
X80 op-code: jump if true
flen - macro in file
X80 op-code: length of string
flogn - macro in file
X80 op-code: natural logarithm
fltz - macro in file
X80 op-code: less than zero
fmod - macro in file
X80 op-code: modulus
fmove - macro in file
X80 op-code: move
fmul - macro in file
X80 op-code: multiply
fmuls - macro in file
X80 op-code: string by number multiplication
fneg - macro in file
X80 op-code: negate
fnot - macro in file
X80 op-code: NOT
fpeek - macro in file
X80 op-code: PEEK
fquot - macro in file
X80 op-code: integer quotient
fread - macro in file
X80 op-code: read in
frstk - macro in file
X80 op-code: restack
fsgl - macro in file
X80 op-code: single operation
fsgn - macro in file
X80 op-code: signum
fsin - macro in file
X80 op-code: sine
fsqrt - macro in file
X80 op-code: square root
fst - macro in file
X80 op-code: store (mem 0 to 5)
fstk - macro in file
X80 op-code: stack data
fstk0 - macro in file
X80 op-code: stack 0
fstk1 - macro in file
X80 op-code: stack 1
fstk10 - macro in file
X80 op-code: stack 10
fstkhalf - macro in file
X80 op-code: stack half
fstkhalfpi - macro in file
X80 op-code: stack pi / 2
fstrs - macro in file
X80 op-code: string
fsub - macro in file
X80 op-code: subtract
ftan - macro in file
X80 op-code: tangent
ftop - macro in file
X80 op-code: to power
ftrn - macro in file
X80 op-code: truncate
fusr - macro in file
X80 op-code: user address
fval - macro in file
X80 op-code: value
fvals - macro in file
X80 op-code: value string
fwait - macro in file
X80 op-code: CPU wait
fxch - macro in file
X80 op-code: exchange
fxor - macro in file
X80 op-code: exclusive or
fetch_num - function in file 09_command.asm
fetch a number
find_int1 - function in file 09_command.asm
find integer
find_line - function in file 09_command.asm
find line
fn_skpovr - function in file 10_expression.asm
function skip over
fetch_two - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
fetch two numbers
fp_addition - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
fp_division - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
fp_e_to_fp - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
E-format to floating point
fp_multiply - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
fp_re_stack - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
fp_subtract - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
fp_to_a - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
floating point to A
fp_to_bc - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
floating point to BC
fp_to_bcde - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
floating point to BCDE (32-bit integer) FIXME: numbers above 2^32 − 1 are not trapped
fp_truncate - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
integer truncation towards zero
fp_0_div_1 - function in file 12_calculator.asm
zero or minus one
fp_abs - function in file 12_calculator.asm
absolute magnitude
fp_acos - function in file 12_calculator.asm
arccosine function
fp_asc - function in file 12_calculator.asm
ASC function
fp_asin - function in file 12_calculator.asm
arcsine function
fp_atan - function in file 12_calculator.asm
arctangent function
fp_calc_2 - function in file 12_calculator.asm
single operation
fp_chr_str - function in file 12_calculator.asm
CHR$ function
fp_comparison - function in file 12_calculator.asm
comparison operation
fp_cos - function in file 12_calculator.asm
cosine function
fp_dec_jr_nz - function in file 12_calculator.asm
decrease counter
fp_deek - function in file 12_calculator.asm
DEEK function
fp_delete - function in file 12_calculator.asm
fp_end_calc - function in file 12_calculator.asm
end calculator
fp_exchange - function in file 12_calculator.asm
fp_exp - function in file 12_calculator.asm
exponential function
fp_get_argt - function in file 12_calculator.asm
reduce argument
fp_get_mem_xx - function in file 12_calculator.asm
get from memory area
fp_greater_0 - function in file 12_calculator.asm
greater than zero operation
fp_inp - function in file 12_calculator.asm
INP function
fp_int - function in file 12_calculator.asm
INT function
fp_jump - function in file 12_calculator.asm
fp_jump_true - function in file 12_calculator.asm
jump on true
fp_len - function in file 12_calculator.asm
LEN function
fp_less_0 - function in file 12_calculator.asm
less than zero operation
fp_log - function in file 12_calculator.asm
natural logarithm function
fp_mul_str - function in file 12_calculator.asm
multiplication of string by a number
fp_n_mod_m - function in file 12_calculator.asm
fp_negate - function in file 12_calculator.asm
unary minus
fp_no_and_no - function in file 12_calculator.asm
number AND number operation
fp_not - function in file 12_calculator.asm
NOT function
fp_or - function in file 12_calculator.asm
OR operation
fp_peek - function in file 12_calculator.asm
PEEK function
fp_read_in - function in file 12_calculator.asm
read in
fp_series_xx - function in file 12_calculator.asm
series generator
fp_sgn - function in file 12_calculator.asm
fp_sin - function in file 12_calculator.asm
sine function
fp_sqr - function in file 12_calculator.asm
square root function
fp_st_mem_xx - function in file 12_calculator.asm
store in memoyr area
fp_stk_const_xx - function in file 12_calculator.asm
stack a constant
fp_stk_data - function in file 12_calculator.asm
stack literals
fp_str_and_no - function in file 12_calculator.asm
string AND number operation
fp_str_str - function in file 12_calculator.asm
STR$ function
fp_strs_add - function in file 12_calculator.asm
string concatenation operation
fp_tan - function in file 12_calculator.asm
tangent function
fp_to_power - function in file 12_calculator.asm
exponentiation operation
fp_usr_no - function in file 12_calculator.asm
USR (number) function
fp_val - function in file 12_calculator.asm
VAL function
fp_val_str - function in file 12_calculator.asm
VAL$ function
fp_xor - function in file 12_calculator.asm
XOR operation


ge - variable in file
X80 parameter: greater or equal
gt - variable in file
X80 parameter: greater than
gz - variable in file
X80 parameter: greater than zero
get_hl_x_de - function in file 10_expression.asm
get HL * DE


hex_digit - function in file 10_expression.asm
hexadecimal digit
hl_hl_x_de - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
HL = HL * DE


indexer_1 - function in file 08_executive.asm
initial - function in file 08_executive.asm
default NMI routine
input_ad - function in file 08_executive.asm
input address
in_assign - function in file 09_command.asm
IN assign
in_chan_k - function in file 09_command.asm
IN channel K
int_exp1 - function in file 10_expression.asm
integer expression
int_to_fp - function in file 10_expression.asm
integer to floating point
int_fetch - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
integer fetch
int_store - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
integer store


k_decode - function in file 03_keyboard.asm
keyboard decoding
k_repeat - function in file 03_keyboard.asm
repeating key
k_test - function in file 03_keyboard.asm
key test
key_scan - function in file 03_keyboard.asm
keyboard scanning
keyboard - function in file 03_keyboard.asm
key_input - function in file 07_editor.asm
keyboard input


le - variable in file
X80 parameter: less than or equal
lt - variable in file
X80 parameter: less than
lz - variable in file
X80 parameter: less than zero
line_addr - function in file 08_executive.asm
line address
line_zero - function in file 08_executive.asm
collect a line number
list_cursor - function in file 08_executive.asm
print a whole BASIC line
ln_fetch - function in file 08_executive.asm
line fetch
line_end - function in file 09_command.asm
line end
line_new - function in file 09_command.asm
new line
line_run - function in file 09_command.asm
run line entry point
line_scan - function in file 09_command.asm
BASIC main parser
line_use - function in file 09_command.asm
line use
look_prog - function in file 09_command.asm
look program
look_vars1 - function in file 09_command.asm
long string variable name in assignment
look_vars - function in file 10_expression.asm
look variables
lstrng - function in file 10_expression.asm
long-named string variable assignment
log_2_a - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
log (2^A)
loc_mem - function in file 12_calculator.asm
memory location


main_exec - function in file 08_executive.asm
main execution loop
make_room - function in file 08_executive.asm
make room
make_string - function in file 08_executive.asm
make string
mirror - function in file 12_calculator.asm
Mirror a memory area HL = start, BC = length
move_fp - function in file 12_calculator.asm
move a floating point number


ne - variable in file
X80 parameter: not equal
nmi - function in file 01_restarts.asm
non-maskable interrupt
next_one - function in file 08_executive.asm
next one
number - function in file 08_executive.asm
next_2num - function in file 09_command.asm
expect numeric / string expression
next_line - function in file 09_command.asm
next line
next_loop - function in file 09_command.asm
next loop
numeric - function in file 10_expression.asm


out_code - function in file 08_executive.asm
main printing
out_curs - function in file 08_executive.asm
print the cursor
out_num_1 - function in file 08_executive.asm
report and line number printing
out_sp_2 - function in file 08_executive.asm
printing characters in a BASIC line
oct_digit - function in file 10_expression.asm
octal digit


po_able - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
printable character codes
po_any - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
print any character
po_asciiz - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
message printing
po_asciiz_0 - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
print first message
po_cr - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
print carriage return
po_down - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
print cursor down
po_fetch - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
position fetch
po_left - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
print cursor left
po_right - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
print cursor right
po_save - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
print save
po_scr - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
test for scroll
po_search - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
table search
po_store - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
position store
po_tab - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
print tab
po_up - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
print cursor up
po_vt - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
print home
pr_all - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
print all characters
print_out - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
print out
pointers - function in file 08_executive.asm
pass_by - function in file 09_command.asm
pass by
pr_end_z - function in file 09_command.asm
end of printing
pr_item_1 - function in file 09_command.asm
print items
pr_posn_1 - function in file 09_command.asm
print position
print_cr - function in file 09_command.asm
print carraige return
prep_add - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
prepare to add
prep_m_d - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
prepare to multiply or divide
print_fp - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
print a floating-point number


rst_08 - function in file 01_restarts.asm
rst_10 - function in file 01_restarts.asm
print a character
rst_18 - function in file 01_restarts.asm
collect character
rst_20 - function in file 01_restarts.asm
collect next character
rst_28 - function in file 01_restarts.asm
rst_30 - function in file 01_restarts.asm
make spaces
rst_38 - function in file 01_restarts.asm
maskable interrupt
remove_fp - function in file 07_editor.asm
remove floating point
reclaim_1 - function in file 08_executive.asm
reserve - function in file 08_executive.asm
rstrng - function in file 10_expression.asm
long-named string re-assignment
re_st_two - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
restack two
run_app - function in file 15_files.asm
RUN command with string parameter


skip_over - function in file 01_restarts.asm
skip over
SEFileAppend - function in file 04_se-os.asm
open a file for appending if it exists
SEFileClose - function in file 04_se-os.asm
close a file
SEFileCreate - function in file 04_se-os.asm
create a file for writing or open a file for writing if it exists
SEFileLoad - function in file 04_se-os.asm
load a file from disk to memory
SEFileOpen - function in file 04_se-os.asm
open a file from disk
SEFileOpenExists - function in file 04_se-os.asm
open a file from disk for reading if it exists
SEFileRead - function in file 04_se-os.asm
read bytes from a file to memory
SEFileReadOne - function in file 04_se-os.asm
read one byte from a file to memory
SEFileRemove - function in file 04_se-os.asm
remove a file
SEFileRename - function in file 04_se-os.asm
rename a file or folder
SEFileSave - function in file 04_se-os.asm
save a file from memory to disk
SEFileWrite - function in file 04_se-os.asm
write bytes from memory to a file
SEFileWriteOne - function in file 04_se-os.asm
write one byte from memory to a file
SEFolderCreate - function in file 04_se-os.asm
create a folder
SEFolderOpen - function in file 04_se-os.asm
open a folder for reading
SEFolderRead - function in file 04_se-os.asm
read a folder entry
SEFolderRemove - function in file 04_se-os.asm
remove a folder
SEFolderSet - function in file 04_se-os.asm
set current working folder
SEGraphicsPaletteSet - function in file 04_se-os.asm
set the 64 palette registers (during vblank)
SEKeyboardFlushBuffer - function in file 04_se-os.asm
flush keyboard buffer
SEScreenClear - function in file 04_se-os.asm
clear the screen
SEScreenLowerPrintString - function in file 04_se-os.asm
print an ASCIIZ string to the lower display
SEScreenMode - function in file 04_se-os.asm
set the screen mode
SEScreenPrintCharacter - function in file 04_se-os.asm
print an ASCII character to the main display
SEScreenPrintString - function in file 04_se-os.asm
print an ASCIIZ string to the main display
set_hl - function in file 07_editor.asm
set HL
set_min - function in file 08_executive.asm
set minimum
start_new - function in file 08_executive.asm
scan_loop - function in file 09_command.asm
scan loop
separator - function in file 09_command.asm
stk_to_a - function in file 09_command.asm
calculator stack to A
stk_to_bc - function in file 09_command.asm
calculator stack to BC
stmt_loop - function in file 09_command.asm
statement loop
stmt_next - function in file 09_command.asm
statement next
stmt_ret - function in file 09_command.asm
statement return
str_alter - function in file 09_command.asm
alter stream
s_fn_sbrn - function in file 10_expression.asm
scanning function (FN)
s_letter - function in file 10_expression.asm
scanning variable
s_loop - function in file 10_expression.asm
scanning main loop
s_lstr - function in file 10_expression.asm
'$' at the end of long variable names
s_u_plus - function in file 10_expression.asm
scanning function
scanning - function in file 10_expression.asm
slicing - function in file 10_expression.asm
stack_a - function in file 10_expression.asm
stack A
stack_bc - function in file 10_expression.asm
stack BC
stk_digit - function in file 10_expression.asm
stack digit
stk_f_arg - function in file 10_expression.asm
stack function argument
stk_fetch - function in file 10_expression.asm
stack fetch
stk_st_0 - function in file 10_expression.asm
stack store
syntax_z - function in file 10_expression.asm
syntax z
shift_fp - function in file 11_arithmentic.asm
shift addend
stack_num - function in file 12_calculator.asm
stack number
stk_pntrs - function in file 12_calculator.asm
stack pointers
str_fetch - function in file 12_calculator.asm
Like stk_fetch, but fetches only BC and DE and leaves STKEND alone.
s1_circle - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
CIRCLE command
s1_cl_all - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
clear whole display area
s1_cl_line - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
clear lines
s1_cl_sc_all - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
s1_cl_set - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
clear set
s1_cls - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
s1_color - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
COLOR command
s1_draw - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
DRAW command
s1_plot - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
PLOT command
s1_po_able - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
printable character codes
s1_po_any - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
print any character
s1_po_cr - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
print carriage return
s1_po_down - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
print cursor down
s1_po_left - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
print cursor left
s1_po_right - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
print cursor right
s1_po_scr - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
test for scroll
s1_po_tab - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
print tab
s1_po_up - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
print cursor up
s1_po_vt - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
print home
s1_pr_all - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
print all characters
s1_print_out - function in file 14_screen_1.asm
print out


tokenizer - function in file 02_tokenizer.asm
test_room - function in file 09_command.asm
test room
two_param - function in file 09_command.asm
two parameters
test_5_sp - function in file 12_calculator.asm
test five spaces
test_zero - function in file 12_calculator.asm
test zero


use_zero - function in file 09_command.asm
use zero


v_cls - function in file 06_screen_0.asm
CLS command
val_fet_1 - function in file 09_command.asm
fetch a value
var_a_1 - function in file 09_command.asm
variable in assignment
v_cont - function in file 10_expression.asm
Check last character of a long variable name


wait_key - function in file 08_executive.asm
wait key

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